One of the most common presentations to Billy Gilhooley at Specific Physio Preston are injury rehabilitation conditions.
A physiotherapist is a highly trained allied health professional who works with patients to prevent, assess, and treat movement disorders arising from injury, disease, and other causes. In order to be effective in their work, physiotherapists need to have a thorough understanding of injury rehabilitation.
Here are three of the most important things physios need to know about rehabilitating injuries:
1. The type of injury: Different types of injuries require different approaches to rehabilitation. For example, a sprained ankle will require different exercises and treatments than a broken bone. By understanding the type of injury, physios can tailor their approach to maximise the chances of a successful recovery.
2. The cause of the injury: The cause of an injury can also have a significant impact on the rehabilitation process. For example, an overuse injury will require different exercises and treatments than an acute trauma. By understanding the cause of the injury, physios can design a treatment plan that is more likely to lead to a successful recovery.
3. The individual patient: Each patient is unique and will respond differently to various treatments and exercises. It is important for physios to take into account each patient’s individual needs and preferences when designing a rehabilitation program. By doing so, they can increase the chances of achieving the best possible outcome for each patient.
Commonly asked questions we get about injury rehab
We often get asked how long the rehabilitation process will take after an injury. The answer, unfortunately, is that it depends on the individual and the extent of their injury. However, there are some general principles that we can follow to help guide the rehabilitation process.
First and foremost, it is important to rest the injured area in order to allow it to heal. This doesn’t mean that you have to stay in bed all day, but you should avoid any activities that aggravate the injury. Once the pain has subsided, you can start to slowly introduce some gentle exercises to help regain strength and flexibility in the area.
As you progress, you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts until you are back to your pre-injury level. Although it can be frustrating, it is important to be patient during the rehabilitation process and listen to your body.
If you try to do too much too soon, you risk re-injuring yourself and delaying your recovery.
What should I do if I have an injuruy?
If you’ve suffered an injury, you know how important it is to get the right kind of rehabilitation. And while there are a lot of different health care providers out there who can help you with your injury rehab, we believe that seeing a physiotherapist is the best course of action. Here’s why:
Physiotherapists are highly skilled and experienced in helping people recover from injuries. They understand how the body works and how to design rehabilitation programs that are specific to each individual’s needs. In addition, physiotherapists work closely with other health care providers, such as doctors and surgeons, to ensure that their patients receive the best possible care.
Seeing a physiotherapist as soon as possible after sustaining an injury can help you heal faster and prevent further injuries. Physiotherapy can also help you avoid costly surgery and ongoing medication use.
So if you’re looking for the best possible rehabilitation care, we recommend seeing our Preston Physio Billy Gilhooley at Specific Physiotherapy as soon as possible.
Book online here.