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Physiotherapy and low back pain

Physiotherapy and low back pain

According to the World Health Organization, 70 percent of people will at some point in their lives have common (non-specific) low back pain. These astoundingly high numbers place low back pain among the most prevalent diseases and sources of pain in wealthy nations. Patients must therefore fully comprehend low back pain, including its causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies.

Physiotherapy and low back pain

What is the low back and what does it do?

Your spine is made up of a wide variety of structures that cooperate to support, strengthen, stabilise, and allow for flexibility in your back.

Your lower back is made up of:

– Your spine is made up of five lumbar vertebrae, which are the bony foundation.

– Gel-like discs that cushion each vertebra and prevent severe deterioration

We can bend and twist because of the several muscles that control the movement of our backs and hips

– Ligaments that give the vertebrae stability

– Nerves that supply the legs, foot, and hips with feeling and energy.

– Facet joints, which are bony joints at the back of the spine that help with load transfer and provide directional guidance

Normally, these elements are successful in enabling you to go about your everyday activities without discomfort or dysfunction. However, occasionally, some of these structures fail to function as they should, resulting in pain that can prevent you from performing important tasks.

What are the different types of low back pain?

Acute low back pain

This low back pain can be excruciatingly severe and linger anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Acute low back pain can last for months if it is not treated properly and is not managed.

Chronic low back pain

This is characterised as low back discomfort that lasts longer than 12 weeks despite the healing of the primary injury. A year after their initial injury, about 20% of persons with acute low back pain will develop chronic low back pain, according to the NINDS.

What causes low back pain?

Low back pain can be caused by numerous factors, including:

– Compression on your nerves

– Degenerative changes (Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease)

– Tight and pulled muscles

– Facet joint injury

– Narrowing of the spinal cord canal

– Tight hip muscles

– Stiffness in the upper portions of your spine/back

What increases the likelihood that I will have low back pain?


We have our spines throughout the entirety of our lives, which, regrettably, means that certain parts may deteriorate with time. Two age-related disorders that can induce discomfort and stiffness through the low back in those who have them include osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease.


What we do for work has a great bearing on whether we develop low back pain. Completing the same tasks daily, such as bending, heavy lifting and prolonged sitting can place increased strain on the structures within our low back, causing painful issues to arise within the structures of our low back.


Numerous studies have revealed that those who are heavier typically have higher incidences of low back discomfort. Your back’s higher support requirements are what are causing this pain. The pressure through the spine increases as we carry more body weight, putting extra strain on the muscles in the low back and causing disc and joint wear and tear.

Unstable Core Strength

Your back and core muscles cooperate to keep your posture in check. Because of this, when your core isn’t functioning properly, your low back is put under more strain, which makes your back work harder to maintain your posture throughout the day.

How can physio help with low back pain?

Absolutely! Many cases of both acute and chronic low back pain have been successfully treated with physiotherapy, and this is true in many cases. Your low back pain therapy may consist of the following:

Massage and stretching of the low back and hip muscles.

– Mobilising and/or manipulating tight joints in the lumbar spine.

– Information about how you might have acquired the low back pain, how to modify your everyday activities and work to minimise aggravating the low back pain, and methods for preventing future episodes of low back pain.

– The creation of a customised workout regimen that is made to fit your needs and skills and can be done at home or under the supervision of your physiotherapist.

Where can I get help for my low back pain?

At Specific Physiotherapy, we work hard to make sure that we use evidence-based management strategies for low back pain. Billy Gilhooley, one of our highly skilled practitioners, can help you get your low back pain under control so you may resume living life to the fullest. For appointment scheduling, call us at (03) 9579 5919 or use our website.

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