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Physiotherapy and plantar fasciitis

Physiotherapy and plantar fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue that extends from the heel bone, crosses the midfoot, and terminates in the toes. Its purpose is to make sure that when you are standing upright, your foot’s arch is effectively supported. This indicates that the pressures are dispersed equally throughout the foot.

Physiotherapy and plantar fasciitis

What causes plantar fasciitis?

A typical foot issue is plantar fasciitis. Patients typically complain of foot pain on the bottom, which develops after a lot of standing, walking, or hard lifting. These kinds of foot injuries are also more common in people with high body mass indices. Work boots or other improper footwear may also be to blame for the injury. Rest assured, your physiotherapist Billy Gilhooley will identify the cause for your plantar fasciitis. 

How to treat plantar fasciitis?

Our physiotherapist at Specific Physiotherapy can accurately diagnose your foot and, more importantly, treat it. Billy Gilhooley, your physiotherapist, will first perform a complete evaluation to confirm that you have plantar fasciitis. Once the diagnosis is made, a number of treatment methods may be recommended, such as deep tissue massage, stretching, electrotherapy (including ultrasound), and a regimen of foot strengthening exercises. There may also be advice on how to use heat and ice. If orthotics are necessary, we may also recommend our friendly neighbourhood podiatrist to you.

Where can I find help for plantar fasciitis?

Billy Gilhooley, a physiotherapist at Specific Physiotherapy, has eight years of clinical expertise treating plantar fasciitis in Preston Victoria. So make an online appointment online at www.specificphysiotherapy.com.au for your next visit.

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